Published: May 29, 2020 by Bernardo Gomes

The Kaweco Supra comes with a number 6 bock nib which is a surprise as most of the Kaweco pens use the number 5 nib. The nib in this one is a medium and is super smooth. I paired it with TWSBI Emerald Green and started to write this review on my trusty FPUK Notebook by
But the nib size isn’t the most distinctive feature of this pen, that would be noticed right away, at the unboxing when you see the middle “extension” section of the barrel. Measuring 2.5cm in length, the steel extender piece is a game-changer on this pen. It changes the entire dynamic of your writing experience with the Supra and allows it to be adapted to your own personal taste.
The pen is made to withstand being tossed in your pocket with keys, coins whatever. Bottom of your purse? No problem. Bottom of your teenager school bag? pfff easy. It will be easier to dent the wall than to bruise this pen.

Resting after a long day of work

Oh, sexy!
This is a great pen for those that like a heavy pen. Sadly, this is not my case. I draw my weight limit way before the 50g mark. I passed on my grail pen because of its weight so, yeah, not for me.
Having to stop writing after a couple of paragraphs to rest my fingers and to make maters worse, my grip is exactly in the step from the barrel to the section and the worst offender for me is having to screw the pen to post. isn’t this supposed to be a quick notes pen? Why 4 cap turns to everything?
To conclude, this pen is to people that want a minimalistic heavy pen and for them, this pen ticks all boxes. It is so sleek that it made me want to try the lighter aluminium version.
Spec sheet
- Weight fully assembled: 48g
- Weight w/o extension: 37g
- Length fully assembled: 13cm
- Length w/o extension: 10.5cm

It is a beauty sunbathing. Size comparison next.

Kaweco Supra, Lamy 2000, Pilot CH 912, TWSBI Eco, Lamy AL Star

